In my book, Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine: Integrating Natural, Eastern, and Western Approaches for Optimal Health, I laid the foundation for rethinking our approach to health care. Now I am offering the next step in this process, which is called NEW Medicine Solutions. In this sereis I detail an innovative approach to common health problems, especially those where you can take actions yourself and have a positive impact on both prevention and treatment.
These NEW Medicine Solutions (NMS) programsare being offered as short downloadable PDFs that present simple, practical tools guidelines and resources. The goal is to prevent common medical conditions and when necessary, to treat them by incorporating Natural, Eastern, and Western Therapies that are safe, effective, and relatively low-cost.
The NEW Medicine approach advocates for lifestyle changes that can make a significant difference in health outcomes and reduce the incidence and cost of chronic diseases, from cardiovascular problems and cancer to diabetes and arthritis. You—as a health consumer working in concert with your healthcare providers—can do a great deal to integrate Natural and Eastern approaches while using Western medicine as and when it is required. Of course, a healthy environment supports us to be healthier humans.
The first two NMS programs address Weight Management and Diabetes. They are available now, along with my online courses, on the Thinkific learning platform. Click the links below to preview.
Diabetes Prevention and Treatment
Other programs coming out in the upcoming months include Infections and Low Immunity (with a bonus on the Healthy Immune System), HyperImmunity: Allergies and Autoimmune Issues, Hormonal Health and Healthy Aging.
I hope these will be helpful to my patients and all of you.
Stay Healthy,
Dr. Elson Haas