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Helena Riess, Ph.D - Integrative Health and Detox Coach

Independent Practitioners

Helena Riess, Ph.D

Integrative Health and Detox Coach

About Helena Riess, Ph.D

Dr. Riess is an Integrative Health and Detox Coach who has worked with thousands of individuals, corporate clients and Olympic athletes during her 33 years in practice. Using the latest testing and detoxification protocols, she develops individualized plans for each client. Dr. Riess holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and Masters’ Degrees in Integrative Medicine and Herbal Studies from San Francisco State University.

You might say her new work at Preventive Medical Center of Marin completes a circle of wellness as she started her career at Wholistic Health and Nutrition in Mill Valley with Drs. Richard Shames and our dear departed colleague Michael Rosenbaum, a pioneer in integrative medicine.

Since 2006, Dr. Riess has been an environmental detox coach and this will be her focus at PMCM. She will address a number of health issues such as high levels of Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round-Up), heavy metals (mercury and lead for example), chemical toxins (such as benzene found in plastics) and many of the 85,000 chemical substances that Americans are exposed to on a daily basis.

Dr. Riess also offers BEMER Therapy which is a therapeutic modality that facilitates functional blood flow within the body. BEMER is an acronym for Bio Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation and is registered as a medical device in the US by the FDA. As a certified BEMER partner, she can answer any questions you may have and, better yet, demonstrate the amazing power of this therapy to you in person.

Along with the team at PMCM, she will focus on a variety of approaches including laboratory testing and analysis, nutritional supplements, individualized lifestyle changes, as well as cutting edge approaches such as the Bemer (bioelectric) therapy system. We are excited to have Dr. Helena Riess join our team to bring greater healing opportunities to our patients.

Elson Haas, MD.

Integrative Family Medicine Physician, Author and Educator

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