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Richard L. Shames, MD - Integrative Medicine

Independent Practitioners

Richard L. Shames, MD

Integrative Medicine

About Richard L. Shames, MD

Prior to entering private practice, he received extensive training in conventional medicine with the U.S. Public Health Service, the National Institutes of Health, and other facilities.

In the 1970s, as Medical Director of the Wholistic Health & Nutrition Institute (WHN) in Mill Valley, CA. Dr. Shames and staff began the blend of conventional medicine with safe and appropriate natural remedies.

The Shames philosophy of medicine is more completely expressed in his books, including his most recent book Thyroid and Mental Health, plus his previous books: Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled and Thyroid Mind Power, all co-authored with his wife Karilee Shames PhD, RN. The two of them teach seminars nationwide to both healthcare providers and the general public.

Dr. Shames considers himself a Consulting Physician and Personal Health Coach, currently focusing on thyroid and adrenal disorders and their many related conditions. His innovative approach to “internet medicine” and telephone coaching has many devoted clients around the country.

Dr. Richard Shames is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School.

Visit Dr. Shames’ websites: Thyroid Power >> and Feeling Fat, Fuzzy and Frazzled >> .

See Consent Forms to Start Process of Scheduling with Dr. Shames >>

In Office AgreementConsent to Coaching Session.

Elson Haas, MD.

Integrative Family Medicine Physician, Author and Educator

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