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No More False Fat

Not all weight is really fat - it can be caused by allergy-like food reactions. Learn how to identify these and heal them.

Lose the Weight You Think is Fat

In this course, I explain the many ways our body can react adversely to certain foods and the great variety of health problems caused by such allergic reactions and sensitivities. This includes swelling and bloating that looks and feels like fat, but isn’t. These food reactions are much more common than we might expect and often go unrecognized, especially when they are delayed.

Dr. Haas will introduce you to a proven, self-guided program that helps you to identify your particular reactive foods and eliminate them. I also show you how to create an individual eating plan as the foundation for better health.

False Fat book cover - False Fat course

The course is based on my popular book The False Fat Diet, written by Cameron Strauth. I call it “False Fat” because many of us carry a surprising amount of extra “weight” that is actually bloating and swelling caused by our body’s reaction to certain foods. Once we identify and eliminate these foods, we can lose that weight in addition to feeling better overall. Then, with the appropriate diet, you can also lose some true fat.

During this course you will learn about:

The Detox Phase – when you cleanse your body of reactive foods.

The False Fat Week – when your bloating and swelling begin to subside. Some of my patients have lost 10 lbs during this phase.

The Balance Program – your customized eating plan that returns your metabolism to normal, which is the basis for further weight loss and better health.

Supplements and Nutrients that support the detox process.

Learn about the Sensitive Seven. Food reactions and sensitivities typically occur from the foods we eat most often, so when we stop eating them during a detox or cleanse, we have the chance to observe how our body responds. These foods are also among those most commonly available in our society. They are:

Wheat-gluten / Cow’s milk-dairy / Sugar / Eggs / Corn / Soy /Peanuts

You Can Begin Today!

Elson Haas, MD.

Integrative Family Medicine Physician, Author and Educator

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